Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The term Snowbird is used to describe people from the Northeast, or Midwestern United States, also Canadians who spend a large portion of winter in warmer locales such as Palm Springs, California.

Canadian and other Foreign Nationals are enjoying many buying opportunities in the US.

Smart Canadians have been flooding the Palm Springs market recently, finding factors in their favor in acquiring Palm Springs properties: Canadians can enjoy Palm Springs real estate prices at their lowest they have been in years. This won't last forever I promise that.

In order to help, we have put together a team of experienced experts to assist our Canadian neighbors with their purchases in the United States. Let us help you with the entire process, by providing the help and knowledge you need when you buy a home in Palm Springs:

Residential neighborhood experts, having worked in the Palm Springs market for nearly eight years, and can help you find the right neighborhood that meets your specific needs. They can help you with your financing options; providing in house lender counseling and pre-approvals Information regarding property taxes and other particulars associated with owning in the US.

Property Management and Rental Management information and assistance are also available, as well as exchange Rates and specific loans for Foreign Nationals.

Please feel free to call for any additional information any day of the week.
James David Mancini presents Palm Springs Living at its finest.

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